This is the most effective unit on the market at any price
After using various ionic foot baths in 2004, the inventor of this device stated:
“The only machines that work well cost $2,000 or more, which most people cannot afford. I will create a high powered, extra durable machine that will have only the highest quality parts and materials throughout. It will be commercial grade. I want this Miracle Technology priced so anyone who needs it can afford it, and I am willing to keep profit low to make this possible” – Michael Horton
That was over 25,000 machines ago which have been sold by word of mouth with NO advertising!
The original Ionic Body Balancer success story:
In 2004, Michael Horton was caring for his aging mother, Annie, after she fell outside her home in rural Arizona. She had fallen on her right side and had bruising from her knee to her hip. After several weeks, the bruising had still not healed, and Michael purchased an ionic foot bath for his mother to use, the cost over $2,000!
After several foot bath sessions, Annie’s bruising was starting to heal, and she was feeling a significant decrease in the pain and inflammation from her fall. In addition, she was able to get up and walk freely, with feeling in her feet, after struggling with neuropathy for many years.
Michael, intrigued by the technology, began to research in earnest, learning everything he could about the various machines then on the market. He began reverse engineering every model he could find, learning the ins and outs of the technical specifications of these ionic detoxification systems, and made notes on potential improvements for those systems. Michael also spent a significant amount of time researching customer reviews of these systems, and their current applications.
By 2005, Michael had developed a prototype for the very first system that would eventually become the Ionic Body Balancer. After testing each prototype on himself, Annie was usually the first volunteer to try these prototypes, but only after satisfying her curiosity about the safety of each one. Her feedback and encouragement was paramount in the design of the Ionic Body Balancer System.
From the very beginning, Ionic Body Balancer ionizer arrays have always been manufactured with the highest grade materials available. Utilizing nautical-grade stainless steel, oxygen-free copper wiring, and harnessing basic principles of physics, hydrodynamics, and chemistry as applied to the formation of ions and the human body’s ability to heal itself, have resulted in a product that surpasses all other industry standards of quality, safety, and durability.
Many of the features of our systems, such as using only new stainless-steel in the construction of our arrays, and U.S. based customer support via telephone and email, have been implemented in recent years by the companies who are now our competitors. Several now offer email consultations with a Chiropractor or Naturopathic Physician for a maximum of 2-3 months for an extra fee. Those services were not offered before the Ionic Body Balancer was a major player in the ionic detoxification industry. Additionally, many competitors of the Ionic Body Balancer have lowered their prices to remain competitive. The system that Michael purchased in 2004 only costs $1,400 today.
In 2003, Michael’s daughter, Jessica, had become ill, and was eventually diagnosed in late 2005 with Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome. Jessica began using the Ionic Body Balancer regularly in mid-2006, and found that it significantly decreased the pain, muscle tension and spasm, and inflammatory responses associated with Fibromyalgia. Regular use of the Ionic Body Balancer has allowed her stop taking prescription medications.
Several years prior to developing Fibromyalgia, Jessica injured both of her knees (separate injuries), and after developing Fibromyalgia, found that the fluid build-up in her knees that had only occasionally been problematic, was suddenly problematic on a regular basis. She stopped paying specialist M.D.’s to draw the fluid off her knees with hypodermic needles, and began using the Ionic Body Balancer instead. Jessica found the Ionic Body Balancer to be much more effective, efficient, and painless in eradicating the build-up of fluid.
Up to the time of her death in November 2009 at the age of 91, Annie enjoyed her detox foot bath sessions. When the edema and neuropathy in her legs and feet got to be bothersome, she would relentlessly ask Michael, or her granddaughter, Jessica (when visiting from Virginia), for a foot spa session. Foot spa sessions became “bonding” time for the 89-year-old grandmother and her 24-year-old granddaughter. Jessica would set-up Annie and herself in Annie’s bedroom for a session, and they would each do a foot spa session, usually while watching TV or talking about friends and family. The Ionic Body Balancer provided Annie with relief from her severe edema when nothing else worked. Annie’s feet and lower legs would routinely swell to three times their normal size, but after 40 minutes in the Ionic Body Balancer followed by a ten-minute foot massage would bring her feet back close to their normal size. This unit allowed her to walk without pain for the first time in years.
We will never conclusively know if the Ionic Body Balancer played a role in increasing Annie’s lifespan. We do know that it greatly improved her quality of life. It significantly helped decrease the pain and inflammation she experienced due to the effects of aging. Her last two days on Earth were very happy ones; the day before she died, she spent the day watching movies in her armchair, and talking to her grandchildren in Virginia on the phone. Annie’s last day on Earth was spent with her best friend of over 60 years; they went to the beauty parlor, had lunch together, and visited for most of the afternoon, as was their Saturday ritual for many, many years. Late that night, she died in her bed at home, with Michael by her side.
The development of the Ionic Body Balancer system has always been a labor of love. Our commitment to providing a high-quality product that is safe and easy to use, and our high standards for our customer service are driven by the desire to make this technology available to anyone who truly needs it. Many of our customers are plagued by chronic illnesses who have not found total relief from medications, various therapies, a host of doctors and specialists.
Individuals with chronic illnesses tend to be plagued with medical debts, whether they have health insurance or not. Sick people are often broke or heading that way. We work hard to keep our costs low, so that our systems are affordable for anyone who can benefit from this amazing technology.
We are a family owned business. Our Christian values require putting people first over big profits. We value and appreciate our customers and treat them as friends. Michael, Inventor of the Ionic Body Balancer foot detox spa, is a deeply religious man whose church requires service to others, especially those in need or who are sick. We believe in empowering people so they can be self-reliant with dignity. We don’t have employees. We have partners and do everything we can to help them succeed.
We put people in business for themselves and pay their small companies so they can be their own boss while treating them as extended family. Most are disabled or retired with experience and skills we could not afford if they were in the regular work force. They work as much as they can making very good money for the time they put in because of their amazing productivity. We only require extremely high quality work, and they have never let us or our customers down.
You will find the highest quality materials and workmanship in our machines, the likes of which you rarely find today at an affordable price. We do things as simply as possible and we don’t fix things that aren’t broken. Often Michael will be answering phones himself, so don’t be surprised if you get him if you call in. There are no big shots in our company. We run a lean operation. And, you don’t have to press “1” to speak to us. Sometimes we are unavailable when you call, but we try to return all missed calls by the end of the day or within 24 business hours.
Call us for any reason. There is no such thing as a dumb question. We are here to help.
NOTE: The Ionic Body Balancer (and our competitors’ systems) are NOT approved by the FDA as a medical device (and therefore, we do not make any claims as to the use of our systems as a medical device). Our systems do not “cure” any illness or disease. Australia, where this technology was initially developed, has recently begun regulating these systems. U.S. FDA regulation is hopefully years down the road to save this technology from over-regulation.
Call us or Text us today: 520-330-2686
Disclaimer: This is NOT to be considered a “Medical Device” and no implication or claims are made regarding the healing of any medical problem. Important Warnings! People who have battery operated implants such as with pacemakers, defibrillators, cardiac patients or with other active medical devices should avoid use or seek the advice of their Physician before using this product. Pregnant women or nursing women should NEVER use this product! Children under the age of 12 should not use without parental consent and supervision. People who have low blood pressure should eat before use. Anyone who has received an organ transplant should NEVER use this type of product. People who suffer from severe heart disease that are on medication all the time should not use without the advice of their Physician. People who suffer from high blood pressure that are on medication all the time should not use without the advice of their Physician. After using the Ion-cleanse machine, supplement vitamins, minerals, fatty acid and other nutritional substances in order to improve the body metabolism and stimulate the body for self-detoxification. Do not touch power device while your hands are wet. Never submerge the power device under water, only the ionizer array goes into the water. Avoid striking the machine or dropping it in any way. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: THIS SYSTEM DOES NOT CLAIM TO CURE OR TREAT ANY DISEASE OR INJURY. IT ASSISTS YOUR BODY TO RE-BALANCE ITS BIO-ENERGY FIELDS AND STIMULATES THE BODY FOR SELF-DETOXIFICATION. THE BODY’S ORGANS WILL NATURALLY FUNCTION BETTER WHEN THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS ARE CHARGED WITH IONIC ENERGY. IF YOU HAVE ANY CONCERNS, PLEASE CONSULT A PHYSICIAN BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT.
Copyright 2005-2025 Ionic Body Balancer, All Rights Reserved
I used a friend’s ionic balancer these past three weeks. I am in awe. I’ve used the ionic balancer 7 times now. 5 times with my feet, 2 times with my hands. The “stuff” (toxins) that came out was very surprising, yet alarming knowing that yuk was in my body all this time. I feel “clean” inside now. My whole demeanor has lifted up, and I feel more energy. Decided can’t live without it, so I purchased one. Thanks for inventing this incredible machine!!